Why Nokia Ovi maps not updated in latest firmware v60.0.03 for Nokia 5800?

Nokia Ovi Maps for s60v5 and s60v^3
In the recent update of firmware upgrade for Nokia 5800, the ovi maps was not updated. This was really a sad news for 5800 users. One of  the reason may be the latest version of ovi maps not supported by 5800. In addition due to Symbian ^3 becoming more popular than s60v5, in future we can't expect more updates for s60v5.

The latest version of Ovi maps for s60v5 is far behind that of s60v3. Also the latest firmware upgrade didn't bring any bulk changes. Only the browser was updated and Big clock on lock was introduced. Nokia has to look into this and make a more valuable update next time for 5800.

Also Qt components have to be preloaded with the firmware software. It is really frustrating if we install QT as it takes more space on C drive. But most of the Interesting applications need Qt installed, to work.

Download the latest version of Ovi maps for all version of Nokia Symbian Os, S60v5, s60v^3 from official Nokia site